If you are returning an item that you purchased on our website, please submit a return request using this form.
- Customers have 30 days from the delivery date to submit a return request.
- Items must be new, unused condition and the tags must still be attached.
- We do not offer free return shipping. The cost of the label will be deducted from your refund.
- Please allow 5-7 business days from the time your return item is received to process your return. It may take an additional 3-5 business days for funds to distribute back into your account. If you don't receive your refund by the 5th business day, please contact your bank.
- Original shipping costs are non-refundable.
- We are not currently offering direct exchanges. Customers can return items for a refund and place a new order.
- The order number started with "SP" can be found in the order confirmation email or on the packing slip that was included with your order.
- If you are returning an item from a local pick up order or a gift item, please reach out to us at
- If you received a defective/damaged product, please reach out to us at
- Items not directly purchased on our website must be handled with the retailer you purchased from.