Overview of the Labor & Delivery Policies and Procedures of Hawaii's Hospitals


Kapiolani Queens Medical Kaiser Moanalua Castle Medical Center Maui Memorial Hilo Kauai Veterans Hospital Kona Community Hospital Wilcox North Hawaii Community Hospital Waimea Women's Center
On site NICU? Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No
If no, where will baby be transferred?   Kapiolani Medical Center   Kapiolani Medical Center Kapiolni Medical Center, Kaiser Moanalua, Tertiary Center Kapiolani Medical Center Kapiolani Medical Center Kapiolani Medical Center Kapiolani Medical Center Kapiolani Medical Center Kapiolani Medical Center
Is there a lactation consultant on staff? Yes, all mothers consulted.
All nurses are trained to help.
No, but the nurses are
trained to help
Yes. Available 7 days a week, but not 24 hours.
Nurses trained to help
Yes, available 4 hours daily.
All nurses are trained to help
No, but there are 6 certified nurses on staff No, but the nurses are trained
to help
Yes, but not available 24 hours a day.
Nurses are trained to help
Yes, but not available 24 hours a day.
Nurses are trained to help
Yes, but not available 24 hours a day.
Nurses are trained to help
No, but all nurses are trained to help.
Hotline number available if needed
No, but the nurses are trained
to help
Are doula services permitted? Yes Yes. One certified midwife
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, but must not interfere
with medical procedures
Yes Yes Yes Yes
How long is the typical stay for a vaginal delivery? 2 days 2 days 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24-48 hours
How long is the typical stay for a c-section? 3 days 3 days 72 hours 2 days 48-72 hours 48 hours 72 hours 48-72 hours 2-3 days 48 hours 3 days
Is baby separated from you at any point? If so, when? Hospital promotes no separation between mother and baby,
if mother needs a break, she can request that baby be taken to
the nursery.
After delivery and bonding time baby will be transferred to the nursery for the admissions process. Your support person can go with baby to the nursery. Here the baby will be assessed and bathed and then return back to your room. Yes, during circumcision and hearing screening.
Otherwise baby in room at all times, even during bathing
No, parents may accompany for all tests, including circumcisions Able to request no separation.
Can deny bath for baby.
Baby will go to nursery for shots, etc.
Yes, for circumcision, hearing screening,
or under emergency circumstances
Yes, for evaluation, circumcision,
and hearing screening
All services are done in room with mom except circumcision, which will usually take baby a
way for a short time.
No, parents can accompany baby
to all services
No, parents can accompany baby
to all services
No, parents can accompany baby
to all services
Are labor & delivery rooms shared or private? Private Private Private Private Private Private, but with
shared bathroom
Private Private Private Private Private
Postpartum rooms shared or private? Every room is private until full,
then they start to share
Private Private Private Every room is private until full,
then they start to share
Private available depending on availability.
Cannot request beforehand
Private Private
If all rooms are full, hospital will try to find an empty medical staff room to use until a room becomes available.
Private Private Private
Can S/O sleep overnight in my room? One adult over 18 can spend the night.
Pull out or reclining chair is provided
Yes, must be at least 18 years old.
Chair or sofa bed available
Yes, cot provided Yes, "daddy bed" provided Yes, as long as no other mother is in the room.
A chair is available
Yes, if in a private room
If semi-private, S/O cannot stay
Yes, fold out chair provided Yes, couch provided that
opens to a twin size bed
Yes. In L&D rooms, the couch turns into sofa bed.
In the postpartum rooms, the chair fully reclines.
Yes, "dad beds" provided Yes, "dad bed" provided
Are there any situations that may take me away from my birth partner? In the case that the mother requires anesthesia,
S/O will be separate, but can accompany baby to
nursery to bond.
Only in emergency situation will birth partner be removed.
Once settled in OR partner can come in, no video in OR
Only in case of emergency where mother needs anesthesia No, partner can accompany mom at all times, even in surgery In an emergency c-section, S/O will need to wait outside until things are settled In the case of an emergency c-section and mom is
under anesthesia partner will be asked to wait outside.
In the case of emergency or mother is under anesthesia,
or if mother requests S/O to leave
In an emergency C-section
where the mother is under
Only if mother is getting an
emergency c-section and is
under anesthesia
No Only if mother is getting an
emergency c-section and is
under anesthesia
What labor and birthing equipment do you provide? Birthing balls
Peanut balls
Squat bars
No tubs or showers are available during labor & delivery
Birthing balls
Peanut balls
Rocking chairs
Birthing balls
Peanut balls
Squat equipment
Yoga balls
Peanut balls
Squat bar
Mobile monitor
None Yoga balls
Peanut balls
Standing bar
Grippers on sides of labor bed
Birthing ball  Birthing balls
Oeanut balls
Jacuzzi (in one room only)
Yoga ball
Squat bar
Yoga balls
Bar over bed
Squat bar
Labor tub
Yoga balls
Peanut balls
Squat bar
Labor tub (one only)
Will I be able to labor at my own pace or will I be
put on a time limit?
Laboring at your own pace is permitted.
Having a birth plan ahead of time recommended.
Staff will only intervene in the case of emergency
or when baby's health is at stake
Yes No rushing, hands off policy,
encourage natural labor and delivery
Yes, as long as no stress to baby Yes Yes, as long as health is normal Yes, as long as health of mother
and baby are progressing normally
Yes, unless there are signs of
distress for either mom or baby
Yes, unless there are signs of
distress for either mom or baby
Yes, provided mom and
baby are healthy
Yes. As long as the water bag is intact and there are no signs of fetal intolerance, natural labor is encouraged
Are mothers allowed to labor in different positions?
Can the mother push in more ways than just on my back?
Yes different positions are allowed.
It's recommend to discuss your birth
plan with your doctor and nursing staff
Any position is allowed.
Bring a birth plan
Yes, but keep in mind,
no water birth available
Yes, may labor and deliver
in any safe position
Yes Yes, as long as health is normal Yes, as long as it's safe Yes all positions are acceptable.
Stirrups are rarely used anymore.
Yes, all positions acceptable as long as safe.
No water deliveries
All positions are acceptable
as long as safe
Yes different positions are allowed. It's recommend to discuss your birth plan with your doctor to communicate
what you'd like.
Will this hospital allow me to take my placenta home
(if you choose to do placenta encapsulation)?
Yes, provided all bloodwork and forms
have been completed and clearance granted.
Yes, provided all bloodwork and forms have been completed and clearance granted. Yes, provided all bloodwork and forms have been completed and clearance granted. Yes, provided all bloodwork and forms have been completed and clearance granted. Yes, provided all bloodwork and forms have been completed and clearance granted. Yes, provided all bloodwork and forms have been completed and clearance from the Department of Health has been granted. Yes, provided all bloodwork and forms have been completed and clearance granted. Yes, provided all bloodwork and forms have been completed and clearance granted.
If blood work is not completed beforehand, they will hold placenta for up to a week until results are in.
Yes, provided all bloodwork and forms have been completed and clearance granted. Yes, provided all bloodwork and forms have been completed and clearance granted. Yes, provided all bloodwork and forms have been completed and clearance granted.
Am I allowed to do skin-to-skin? Yes, depending on the condition of mother and baby.
If mother is under anesthesia, the S/O can accompany
baby to nursery for bonding.
Skin to skin is encouraged Yes, provided mother is not under anesthesia, in which case baby will be given to partner for bonding Skin to skin is encouraged,
even after surgery
Yes If the mother is awake, she and her pediatrician can discuss skin to skin. If the mother is under
anesthesia, baby will be separated from the mother.
Depends on the doctor and pediatrician. Usually, baby is taken to the nursery while
mom recovers. But if mom is awake and the doctor and pediatrician agree, skin to
skin can occur.
Yes, however if the mother is under anesthesia, baby will be taken to the labor room where
the S/O can bond.
If the mother is awake,
skin to skin is encouraged.
Skin to skin is encouraged as long as the mother is able. Skin to skin is encouraged as long as the mother is able.
Do you provide a hospital grade breast pump? If requested by the patient, a doctor can
prescribe a breastpump, which will be provided to mother.
She can take home all of the attachments, but not the
pump itself unless insurance covers full expenses.
The mother can also bring her own breast pump.
Yes Yes. Depending on insurance, the mother may be able to take it home. Yes No Yes A prescription from a doctor is required for a breast pump.
You can usually ask for this before delivery.
Insurance coverage will vary.
Yes Yes Yes, for use while in the hospital Yes, breast pumps are available
What happens in the event that I require an
emergency C-section?
The mother will be taken to the OR.
S/O must wait outside, but will be
allowed to bond with baby in the nursery.
In the event of an emergency c-section, you will be prepped for surgery and then go immediately to the OR Everything is done in house within 5 minutes.
S/O can accompany the mother unless the mother
is under anestheisa.
The mother wil be moved to the
OR on the same floor as L&D.
You will be taken to the OR The mother will be moved to
the OR on the same floor within
20 minutes.
The mother will need to go to
the OR in a different unit.
The mother will be taken to the OR, which is just one door away from L&D. Depending
on the situation, the S/O can join the mother in the OR or wait in labor room.
The OR is on the the same floor as L&D.
If spinal anesthesia, the S/O can stay with the mother. If the mother is under anesthesia,
the S/O must wait outside.
The mother will go to the OR unit on the same floor.
S/O is able to accompany the mother.
If it’s an emergency, the mother will go to the OR
just down the hall. The S/O is not allowed to accompany her.
Other notes If the mother needs or requests time alone, the hospital provides two hours in the evening,
from 9 to 11, for the S/O to bond alone with baby.
If baby has to stay in the hospital for whatever reason, Mom can be discharged but room in with baby at no fee Two rooms with jacuzzi
tubbs available