Five Years of Coco Moon
I jokingly call Coco Moon my third baby, so hitting our five-year anniversary is a big deal for us…I guess you could say I’m one proud mama! And as us mamas do, I’m feeling quite sentimental as we hit 5 years. What started as a simple idea for an island inspired baby blanket has grown into so much more - an amazing Cocomunity and way for us to give back to our community.
Now that I’m getting all teary eyed, I invite you to take a trip down memory lane with me as I recount my top 5 memories from the past 5 years.
1. The First Shipment
Talk about an oh sh*t moment. My inventory was finally ready and as I got the notice to come pick it up, I realized that there was no way it would fit in my car. So I rented a U-Haul and miraculously managed to get there without crashing. But when I arrived, I realized that they needed a forklift to load everything up. My voice of self-doubt started piping up, saying: “what did you do? You’ll never sell all of this stuff. You wasted all your money.”

But I brushed away that moment of panic, got everything loaded up, and then stored neatly in my garage. My garage was Coco Moon ground zero for the first few years and was where my “office” was (meaning a plastic folding table pushed up against a wall) and where we packed all of our orders. One day we got too big and I had to get a storage unit, which we also quickly outgrew…because of all of your support! My self-doubt still rears its ugly head now and then, but I’m sure glad that it was wrong on that first day.
2. Spotted: Coco Moon In The Wild
It had been a few months and people were starting to buy our swaddles, which were the first products we ever made. But our customers just seemed like this really abstract thing, as I had never seen one. But then it happened. I was sitting on a plane and spotted our OG multicolored wave swaddle hanging over the seat a few rows up. It was the first time seeing a customer with a Coco Moon product “in the wild” and proof that our customers were actually real!
I had the brief thought to go over and ask what they thought of the blanket, but I was too embarrassed and didn't want to bother them. However, seeing it being used by a family was amazing. To this day, my kids are like hawks when it comes to spotting Coco Moon products - they always point and yell if they ever see anyone with it. So, if you’re out and about and hear some hooting and hollering maybe it’s them!
3. Something Sweet
Now this one really blew my mind. Last year I was out to dinner with my husband and toward the end of our dinner, the server goes, “I couldn't help but notice that the name on your reservation is Amber Thibaut. Are you the Amber Thibaut from Coco Moon?” I just about died in that moment! My whole face flushed and I couldn’t stop giggling. I couldn't believe that she actually knew who I was.
To top it off she brought us a complimentary dessert with "I <3 Coco Moon" written on the plate in chocolate. It was such a trip and a moment that I will never forget. Mahalo for making this mama feel extra special!
4. Hiring Hali
I first met Hali when she was 19 and she would babysit my youngest son, Taj, while I was first getting Coco Moon off the ground.

As she kept working with us, I asked if she wanted to help with any Coco Moon things. So slowly but surely, she started helping here and there, packing orders, helping to count inventory, and setting up for events. But she was so smart and had such a great work ethic that she kept taking on more and more. She went back to school, got her master’s in social work, and I was dreading the day that she would say she was done with Coco Moon and was going to get a “real job” as a social worker. However, to my great delight she decided to continue working with Coco Moon and asked if there might be a full-time role for her. Of course, I said yes! She is our first and only employee, my right-hand woman, our customer service rock, and our logistics queen. She does it all with such aloha and I am super grateful for her. If you’ve ever sent us an email, I’m sure you’ve already experienced her aloha!
5. Getting to Give Back
When I started Coco Moon, I knew I wanted to weave giving into the fabric of our company. We were able to officially do so in 2017, when we started our 1% for Hawaii Giving Program, which donates 1% of our sales each month to local organizations doing powerful work in our communities.
As of this year it brings me so much joy to think that we’ve been able to make cash and product donations to over 40 local organizations that directly impact the environment, our children, and health of our community.
Coco Moon has made it possible for me to collaborate with amazing women, gather and share tips to bring Moms together, give back to the community, and so, so much more. This fifth year has me feeling beyond grateful and I cannot stress enough how thankful I am for all of your support and love. Here’s to another 5 years! What do you want to see from us in the next 5 years??