Speak with any parent that has children over the age of two, and they’ll all tell you the same thing: the first six months of their baby’s life went by in somewhat of a blur. It is an intense period that’s characterized by joy, sleepless nights, and a lot of development (mostly for the baby...but also for the parents too!).
Of all the periods of a person’s life that they wish they could recapture, the first few months of their baby’s life is always pretty high up on the list. Never does time fly as fast as it does after you become a parent! Before I had my son, I remember hearing the phrase: the days are long, but the years are short. As the years have flown by, I’ve come to realize how true this saying is.
As such, it’s important that you’re taking time to take as many baby photos as possible. Of course, people have always taken photos of their children (I feel like I have thousands of baby photos on my phone!) but a new trend has emerged in recent years: honoring the baby milestones with a special photograph. This won’t just give you photographs to look back on, but it’ll also help you to keep track of some of the most important moments of your young baby’s life. While every moment is special, there are some that are truly worth documenting!
One way to record these moments is to look at incorporating photo blankets into your photoshoot. If you use the same one for each photo, you can really appreciate the growth and development of your baby, month over month.
So which baby milestones should you be photographing?
The First Day
There aren’t too many opportunities to photograph a baby that you’ve brought into this world on their very first days on this earth. You’ll get to capture all the wonder they experience during their first moments alive. While you can take a photograph of your baby when they’re sound asleep, a more interesting photo is when they’re awake, making that quintessential squishy face that already shows their little personality! Set them up, get the camera, and wait for that “just right” moment.
One Month Old
A lot happens during the first months of a baby’s life. By the time they’re a month old, they’ll have figured out just how useful their eyes are -- and they’ll be using them! Taking a photo at this time will capture their beautiful big eyes when they’re at their freshest.
Two Months Old
New facial expressions, kicking, stretching - two months is often the time parents start getting the giggles themselves at some of the funny new faces their baby is making. What better than to capture those expressions on camera!

Three Months Old
They’ve figured out how enjoyable this world can be, and they’ll be showing you every time with their big smile! And what’s making them smile? You are! Capture this moment forever.
Six Months
They’re finally figuring out how to sit up, and boy, do they enjoy it. This allows them to interact with the world in a more direct way. Sit them up and take a snap -- just be sure to have a cushion behind them.
Believe me when I say I speak from experience. It feels like yesterday when my children were born, now they are in school and my memories of them as babies are sadly getting harder to recall. Photographs mean everything to me, in fact I get as much joy seeing how the Coco Moon babies have grown since our first photo shoots (keep an eye out for our ‘Where Are They Now’ article!).
My parents tell me they wish milestone photographs were a trend when I was younger, and I know in years to come parents who have taken milestone snaps will cherish them.
What better way to create a treasured keepsake, than with a photo blanket. And a Coco Moon photo blanket is one you can continue to pass down to future generations.